It's such a huge shame the franchise got done dirty with BoF6. But I appreciate that it influenced the first two Dead Rising games. And I never played V so I can't comment on it. All the games have some dark and messed up themes. Maybe when it goes on sale again, I'll add it in.

I still need to play 4 since a lot of people love that one. I only remember the fight with the monkey dude on an elevator and that's it. I did play BoF2 on an emulator but I don't remember much of it. Plus It blew my mind as a 12 -13-year-old when my brothers and I discovered the master/apprentice system. Seriously, it did shades of grey stuff well before The Witcher came along. A lot of the game's story beats stuck with me years later. I guess I loved the time skip and themes of maturing. I voted for 3 because that's the only one I own and really far into the game.